Scholarships & Awards
The Brahman Foundation Scholarship
The Brahman Foundation has awarded approximately $115,000 in scholarships. These scholarships are funded by our Funding the Future Sale held in December. Our scholarships are available to juniors who have just finished their junior year in High School thru their first semester in college. The applicants interview at the All American in front of a panel and answer one question from each interviewer. The Foundation also has some family scholarships that they facilitate. These scholarships are The Buddy Bailey, The Cameron Collette, The Irma O. Macon, The Bazan Family and Beyond the Banner. We are very honored to be carrying these scholarships for these families.
Past Scholarship Winners
How to Apply
• Eligibility: The summer after your Junior year in high school until the summer of your first semester in college. Scholarship monies will be paid for semesters where a full load is taken or students are considered full time. Monies must be claimed before graduation or completion of the program.
• Download the Brahman Foundation Scholarship Application below.
• EMAIL Submissions
• Send completed applications by email to
• Subject Line: YOUR NAME + App
• STANDARD MAIL Submissions
• Address to: PO Box 151, Hungerford, TX, 77488
Attn: Scholarship App
• Application Deadline: Received by June 1 (both mailed or emailed in).
** NOTE** Please put the number of people who will attend the banquet with you and a circle around it on the first page of your App.
** NOTE** PHONE INTERVIEWS can only take place if applicant cannot attend the All American because of some unforeseen happening and notification is given before the start of the All American if possible.
• Call Lana at 979-533-0647 to schedule.
• JUNE 15th – Phone Interviews must be completed.
Click Here to Download the 2024 scholarship application.
Shining Light Scholarship
The Foundation is very honored to have been asked to facilitate the newest scholarship available for the AJBA members in Maci Dickerson’s memory. The Shining Light Scholarship is for graduating seniors and first year college students. Please download the application if wanting to apply. The Brahman Foundation DOES NOT cover this scholarship but interviews willl be conducted at the same time as all the other scholarship interviews at the All American.
• Application due June 1, 2024
The Vicente R. Lecuna International Scholarship
The Vicente R. Lecuna International Travel Scholarship is awarded by the Alfredo Muskus family (Santa Elena Ranch). The purpose of this scholarship is to let the recipient see the importance of the Brahman Breed at the International level as well as providing an educational experience on US Brahman genetics in the world market. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-25 and have a passport. The scholarship is a $2500 stipend for travel expenses.
Suggested International Events: The Brahman Congress, a National Show in Central America or any Foreign event attended by the ABBA or the Muskus Family.
• Essay: January 31st
• Interview: 3rd week in February
• Awards: Winner will be announced at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Previous Scholarship Winners