The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Carlos Guerra. Prayer led by Alfredo. Members present were Stuart Watkins, Adelyn, Bubba Sartwelle, Lana Forgason, Alfredo Muskus, Rachel and Carlos. Guests present was Victor Guerra. The minutes were approved as posted on the website.
We went over the financial report, and it was moved by Bubba and second by Stuart to accept.
Items we talked about are, present a dry erase check to the winners and cut an actual check in the mail to people after all the tabulations have been formed.
Review of all programs we have supported this summer:
Stuart would like to build up the bred and owned program more by more prize incentives. One idea is to ask if we can get a donation for an AI school to attend, maybe transova offer a IVF flush to the winner of the female in the show.
Lana mentioned a communication gap on how to get the word out about our events. We feel until AJBA gets a good communication method in, this is going to be a constant struggle.
Lana thinks a postcard reminder would be good
Alfredo suggested we needed to contract with TBJ for a contract ads per year (asking for donations, sale ad, a thank you ad), and say 24 Facebook posts for the year. Suggested plan:
January – 2 page ad which is our “Annual Report”
February – nothing
March – Ad – Thank you to our donors & recognize new donor level winners
April – nothing
May – nothing
June – Ad – Camp Ad / Scholarship applications
July – Ad – All American ad / recap
August – News release – Camp recap – no ad, maybe ask for editorial news release
September – News release with plans for next fiscal year
October – Ad Asking for Donations
November – Sale Ad
December – Sale Ad
Our tax filing is due October 2017 and we have submitted this to the accountant.
All our scholarships have been paid out except for the juniors. This makes $31,000 paid out in 2 years.
Alfredo gave a report for the Vicente Lecuna scholarship. He is going to award two travel scholarships to the 2018 World Brahman Congress in Colombia. The student can also pull from an international travel fund if they don’t want to go to the Congress.
Travel Stipend for Australia – We have brought this up before and it was voted down. This year’s winner is Alex Lovell and is a proven top member of our organization. Currently AJBA Pays for only the plane ticket and the winner is responsible for everything else. Stuart moved to send $1000 to this winner, second by Alfredo. Approved unanimously. **Need to send the check immediately.
Stuart gave a brief report on the Youth Committee, discussing dates for the 2018 All American. These dates have not been finalized. Sites considered are Belton, Grady Oklahoma and Perry Georgia.
All American Report by TBF members in attendance
Sponsored lunch – Terrible quality, we were embarassed by the food they served
Educational Seminar – Excellent educational content, poorly promoted and no one came. One idea is that since the all american schedule is so tight, that we elminiate educaitonal conferences like this and filter it towards the camps. We feel the problem with this was no one knew about it.
Motivational speaker – Lana thought he was alright, not great. Our top prospect for 2018 is Chad Prather.
Scholarship Banquet – Stuart reported that it went very well. The problem is it ran late. Maybe next year invite their parents.
Showmanship – We felt we weren’t really recognized that well, for the $5600 we donated.
Leadership Camp Report – Bubba & Lana
Continue? Yes definitely.
It needs to be better organized as far as kids knowing about it and having the attendees lined up. Bubba complimented the manners and professionalism of all the attendees. Lana reported that several kids said Mississippi was a great camp and very enjoyable. The kids wanted more hands on activities. They don’t want to sit in a classroom the entire time. Dr. Brandi Karisch was phenomenal in organizing and facilitating everything from start to finish. The Doucet family went above and beyond in their organization of helping this camp. We do need to make a rule that every student needs to ride on the bus, no students are allowed to have their own vehicle.
For 2018, we have proposals from LSU (Tyler Braud, former student), and McNeese, and University of Florida. One proposal is to do TAMU on every even year (i.e. 2018, 2020, 2022) and rotate between the other years.
The camp still needs to be after the All American.
Kickoff Classic Meal – Stuart
Stuart reported it was a great event and money well spent, and that many people said thank you at the dinner. For 2018, the show is moving to College Station on August 3-4. We want to continue this for 2018. THe people we need to thank are the Schultes, the Barnetts, the Doucets.
Planning for 2017-2018
Support of State Affiliates – We want to continue in 2018.
All American Motivational Speaker
Showmanship Premiums
$5000 Drawing
All American Scholarship & Interviews
Educational Seminar
All American Lunch Sponsorship
Queen & Princess – Alyssa Doucet and Callie Whatley
*Need to pay them in October $500 each and March $500 each
Special Award for All Around at the All American – We gave a banner. ONE QUESTION – Does the Ellis girl have the banner.
New carcass measuring opportunities that TBF might can fund like this – Currently this is on hold.
Directors & Insurance Policy – Needs to be filled out by Carlos.
Funding the Future Sale II – Stuart & Rachel
Currently we have confirmed lots from V8, Santa Elena, Forgason and Watkins. Goal is to get 8 heifers. Goal is 20 lots total. Wade Watkins hunt, Billy Powell hunt, International hunt donated by PJ Budler. The rest will be semen lots. We would like to stay away from other gift items or items that are hard to ship because it just makes it hard for logistics. RB Ranch is another prospect for a donation. We need to make a donation form.
Sponsorship of a Meal at the National Show – Stuart
With the positive response of the dinner at the kickoff, we have talked about sponsoring a meal. We would like to get an estimate of how much it would cost and think about doing it.
Alfredo found a text messaging service, which is $49/month for 1000 texts. Stuart made a motion to invest $600 in a text messaging service to reach possible members. Motion approved.
Future Board Members
We need to discuss directors. Our initial term limit was 6 years and we are at 2 years now. If original board members who received their spot from a donation would want to pass down their seat down to another family member, then this needs to be voted on by a simple majority. The next meeting, which is _____ will be our officer elections.
We need to add more board members between now and the end of the year, but we would like to ask for a call for resumes of people who would like to join. We would like to extend an invitation to the new executive of ABBA to invite him to participate in any of our meetings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.