Summer TBF Board Meeting Minutes

TBF Meeting June 16, 2017 – Brazos County Expo Center
1:00 p.m.

Members present:
Bubba Sartwelle
Richard Forgason
Stuart Watkins
Lana Forgason
Carlos Guerra
Adelyn Allen
Rachel Cutrer

Margo Mansell
Dustin Black
Shae Doucet
Gerald Young
Carson Watkins

Called to order by Carlos Guerra. Rachel introduced our TBF intern, Shae Doucet, who has done an amazing job in the few weeks she has been on board. Welcomed Dustin Black from ABBA, Gerald Young from ABBA and Carson Watkins ABBA Youth Chairman. Margo Mansel was also representing the AJBA Youth Committee.

Stuart moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting, approved unanimously.

We reviewed our financial report and approved that.

We can go ahead and send the two junior scholarships at this time, since they have already graduated high school at this time.

Logan gave a report on the AJBA All American that everything is on track. Dustin reported 275 kids and 850 head of cattle entered so far. He is behind about 10 corporate sponsors that are needed to be made up.

Stuart moved to discuss that TBF adding another $1000 to the All American since sponsorships are drastically down. This was discussed at length but in summary we decided at this time to stick with the funding we have already committed, since we have we have already added $2500 for a meal, and put in $2500 for the motivational speaker, and kept all of our support from last year. We have nearly doubled our support from 2016 to 2017 and so at this time we do not vote to fund another $1000.

Carson Watkins gave a report for the Youth Committee. The event is a record entry and going to be great. He is working on the fundraiser napkins for the AJBA. They will be finished at the All American.

Stuart asked with Chris being gone, does the AJBA need extra staffing needs? Dustin said mostly we need floaters and people to help when called upon. Everyone agreed to help when needed.

Stuart moved that we donate $100 to be on the AJBA napkin patch. Second by Lana. Approved unanimously.

The speaker at the All American will be Peterson Farm Bros. from Kansas.

All American showmanship premiums will be coordinated by Rachel, Shae and Lana. Lana will coordinate delivering the checks.

The Queen and Princess stipend was discussed. Stuart moves that the TBF funds their $1000 stipend into 3 payments: 1/3 after the National Show, 1/3 after Houston, and 1/3 after their final All American. *So this means our next payment would be in Fall 2018. Seconded by Adelyn. Approved unanimously.

All American $5000 drawing – this will be done at the banquet like last year. It could be done while the meal is being served.

Regarding our workshop on cattle selection, we have tried multiple attempts to get Doug Pierce and we can’t get him. The proposed workshop is July 4th. We are still looking for a possible educator.

TBF needs to mail a check of $2500 for the event meal sponsorship.

We will award $1000 for the high point all around. *Need this check at the All American

Stuart and Carlos are going to discuss the practicality of doing a carcass ultrasound at the All American.

Update on the 2nd Annual AJBA Leadership Camp
Dustin has had 10 applicants. If needed Carlos, Shae and Adelyn will review the applicants. The total budget for the leadership camp is $5,227 + any additional travel. The plan is to get a bus leaving from Houston, travel to Lafayette, then to Starkville. Working with Dr. Brandi Karisch has been amazing.

New fundraising ideas:
It has been brought up that some breeders have offered to make donations that were not approved or even notified to us before their sales that they will be donating to TBF. For example, L2 Ranch, donating 10% of their Lot 1 to the TBF, but nobody from TBF knew about it. We welcome the donation but we just didn’t know.

Funding the future sale will be again this December.

At this time Rachel left the meeting, and Shae took over recording the minutes.

TBF is going to sponsor Danny Doucet to cook on Friday night of the Kick-Off for a meet and great. Stuart made this motion, Adelyn seconded, passed unanimously

Carlos Guria asked if any new business – there was none

A new meeting date of August 3rd during the Kick-Off was proposed, by Carlos Guerra. Members will get together and discuss.

The meeting was adjourned.

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