The meeting was called to order by Carlos with Dr. Richard Forgason leading the board in prayer. He and Lana were thanked by Carlos on behalf of the board for setting up and hosting the meeting at the JDH office. All board members were in attendance except for Cassie Saunders. Guests were Dr. Richard Forgason, Chris Shivers, Michael Goudeau and Alfredo Muskus Sr.
Report from Chris about AJBA
Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report approved
Our taxes for 2015 were filed on November 15. The report was prepared by Manuel Garcia who was recommended by Mike England.
Alfredo gave a report on the Vicente Lecuna Scholarship update and it will be funded in 2017.
Carlos talked about wanting to send out a oversized postcard to all AJBA members featuring our calendar of events for 2017 and some pictures. This was approved at our last meeting. Carlos will get the content. Goal to send out after the first of the year. Feature the essay contest deadline February 15, 2017. Will also put a pledge form in there. In this we will also outline what contests will count towards the leadership contests:
· Entry
· Speaking
· Showmanship
· Sales Talk
· Herdsman Quiz
· Ad Design (New / Replaces poster)
· Photography
· Participation in Educational Clinic (If accepted)
Better Beef contest is not included because not every exhibitor is eligible since only cattle of a certain age can be ultrasounded.
TBF Junior Survey – Lana Jo is putting together a survey to send to all juniors. The goal of the survey is to get people’s email addresses. Adriana Salyer is going to coordinate it.
Essay Contest Report – Stuart and Lana Jo discussed. The goal is to try to double what we had last year – – which would be hopefully 25 entries. Stuart and Lana will chair it again.
All American Motivational Speaker – This will be at Texarkana. Chris Boleman is suggested. Chad Prather (Facebook sarcasm celebrity). Last year we paid $1500 for this speaker. First choice will be Chad Prather. Chris thought the date would be July 4th with the dates being July 3-9th for the 2017 All American. Rachel contacted Chad Prather but we have not heard back from him.
Stuart moved that we should award a scholarship for V8 Ranch, for their donation of the genetics package last year ($8000) and continued donations. This was seconded by Lana and passed unanimously.
Discussion of the All Around Awards – At past meetings we have discussed a travelling trophy or some other additional recognition for the winner of the All Around. The logistics of a travelling trophy is somewhat ominous. Stuart suggested a scholarship “The Brahman Foundation Scholarship” to be awarded to the winner which everyone liked. Stuart moves we award $1000 to the highest point winner at the All American, with a banner, and their name be listed on the website. Passed unanimously.
Alfredo Muskus, Sr., discussed the importance of using the All American to educate the juniors about the relevance of the breed in the beef industry and importance of performance and how it affects the market. Stuart proposed holding an educational seminar (maybe an hour or so) that explains this – and then incentivize this, like if an exhibitor attends the educational seminar he is added another chance in the leadership drawing. The content we like would be carcass ultrasound, reproduction, etc. This can also educate exhibitors about the career possibilities in animal science.
Stuart moved that we ask the Youth Committee meets again in January. We would like to try to get that on the schedule. Seconded by Lana. Passed unanimously.
Summer Leadership Camp – We have an interest from Mississippi State to host, working with Brandi Karisch. Rachel will follow up with her. We need dates, after the All American, so anytime middle of July or later. Would like to get it finalized before Chris leaves. The proposed date is the week of July 17th.
Brahman Foundation Funding the Future Online Sale – We all got a copy of verbal commitments. The sale is December 3-6. We reviewed all the consignments. We need to solicit semen to fill the grey and red tanks. The goal is to have 25 consignments so it fits on one page. Rachel, Stuart and Alfredo will take over the sale coordination.
Goal to have a new brochure for TBF for Houston.
Discussion of what to do during Houston?
Questions – can we find a stall for a booth? Who would work it? We need an actual booth for it. Stuart moves we have only a BOOTH at the HLSR, not a sale.
Chris Shivers agreed to get us space for our booth next to ABBA’s area.
Directors & Officers Policy – Stuart and Alfredo are finalizing this.
Board and Officers – Under our by-laws it says we elect officers each year. We discussed the board of directors and a need for people who are going to volunteer and work.
Is there a need for sub-committees? We think there is. Stuart, Alfredo and Rachel will put together a proposal of the needed subcommittees. Each member could lead a subcommittee, and then ask people to help volunteer for that subcommittee that can volunteer.
2016-2017 Proposed Subcommittees:
Fundraising / Sales –
Scholarships – Stuart
Marketing / Publicity – Alfredo
Essay / Leadership Contests – Lana
Summer Camp –
Discussion occurred on the big picture of TBF. Are we to provide ideas and funding to AJBA Youth Committee for them to implement? Or is it for us to idea, fund and implement?
We feel that we need each director to fill out an assessment of what they can realistically give. We also have 2 open seats that have not been filled. Could we make the ABBA president and the exec “Ex officio” members. This could add 2 more seats to the board.
The Saunders family has made a very gracious donation of a heifer to get the organization started and funded. Since then they have only attended two meetings. We would like Mike or Carlos to visit with the family to ask if they would like to continue to be involved or would like us to find a replacement.
Bubba moved that we re-elect our officers for 1 year. Carlos, President, Mike, Vice President, Rachel – Secretary/Treasurer. Approved unanimously.
Next, we discussed adding a board member. We have offered some names, Sheri Doucet, Adelyn Allen, Charolette Smith, Michael Goudeau, Dr. Chris Boleman and Aaron Alejandro. Carlos mentioned that we may need to look outside the breed for new board members that can provide new fund raising ideas and contacts to help TBF grow.
Stuart moved we accept Adelyn Allen to our board. Seconded by Alfredo. Approved unanimous. Moving to the future, we want to expand to make sure our board includes people from all areas. For example right now we do not have any board members from Florida, Louisiana, etc. and we wish we did. Bubba moved. Seconded by Mike and approved unanimously that President Guerra be the person to notify Adelyn of her new addition.
There was no further business so the meeting was adjourned at noon. The next meeting will be January 11, 2017 at 9 a.m.